Teaching quality assurance

Teaching quality assurance

Teaching Quality Assurance Center

Teaching Quality Assurance Center was established in January 2009 to support the processes of improving the quality of education at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and to co-create the Internal Educational Quality Assurance System, as well as to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the University in relation to other universities in cooperation with the University Authorities, Faculty Councils and organizational units carrying out teaching tasks.

Rector’s Representative for Teaching Quality Assurance

Prof. Magdalena Broszkiewicz

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel.: 71 36 80 751


Iwona Kutzner

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel.: 71 36 80 370, 71 36 80 171

Radosław Kłus

E-mail: [email protected]

Tasks of the Teaching Quality Assurance Center

The tasks of the Teaching Quality Assurance Center are defined by Organizational Regulations of the Wroclaw University of Economics (Appendix 5c; § 13).

The tasks of the Teaching Quality Assurance Center include:

  1. Supporting the processes of improving the quality of education at the University;
  2. Co-creation of the Internal Educational Quality Assurance System;
  3. Monitoring the quality of education in all forms of study through a system of student surveys (cooperation with the Student Government and the Office of Analysis and Reporting, among others);
  4. Participation in the development of survey questionnaires (development of questionnaire content, organization of the survey process);
  5. Systematic collection of opinions from college candidates, graduates and employers (cooperation with the Recruitment Office, Career Service, Alumni Association, among others);
  6. Technical work related to the development of research results for the decision-making needs of the University authorities (preparation of result tables, participation in the preparation of the editorial version of the studies);
  7. Participation in the preparation of materials in accreditation procedures; collection and storage of university-wide data necessary for the accreditation process,cooperation in this regard with directional accreditation teams, faculty managers and with the Dean for Academic Programs and Dean of the Branch;
  8. Participation in the development of analyses of the results of accreditation proceedings (preparation of summaries of the results of accreditation proceedings, comparative analysis across directions);
  9. Service of university seminars and teaching conferences (development of conference programs, preparation of invitations, organizational work);
  10. Support the verification of theses from the point of view of copyright compliance;
  11. Developing and updating procedures for designing and modifying educational programs based on information from internal and external stakeholders;
  12. Recommend and implement modern teaching methods in the teaching process, support teaching staff in the implementation of non-standard educational methods.


Teaching Quality Assurance Center works remotely.


build. A, room 204

Komandorska Str. 118-120

53-345 Wroclaw

Urgent matters

For urgent matters, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

Teaching Quality Assurance Center

71 36 80 924

    WUEB regulations on didactics

    Basic UEW legal acts shaping the Internal Education Quality Assurance System.

    Elements of the Internal Educational Quality Assurance System.



    Implementation of teaching activities

    Graduation process

    Improvement of teaching activities

    Organization of dual degree programs

    Regulations of teaching and learning process

    Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Legal acts and principles of evaluation of teaching activities

    Subjects of the Internal Educational Quality Assurance System of the WUEB

    Rectoral Committee for Quality Assurance of Education

    Rector’s Representative for Teaching Quality Assurance

    Program Managers

    Field of Study Board

    Academic Program Board

    Verification of diploma theses using the Unified Anti-Plagiarism System


    Archived regulations of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business on didactics are available at https://www.ue.wroc.pl/centrum_jakosci_ksztalcenia/26778/regulacje_uniwersytetu_ekonomicznego_we_wroclawiu_w_zakresie_dydaktyki.html.


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