Reports and other documents

Reports and other documents

The world is changing!

Take a look at the WUEB sustainability reports.

Our main role is not only to research and share knowledge of knowledge, but also to take care of the future of our planet and society.

The reports contain valuable information for students who want to co-create a better future, and for entrepreneurs who are looking for innovative solutions.

Check out how the university can affect positive change in the world!


Sustainable Development Goals.

WUEB Report – Sustainable Development Goals.


WUEB 2022 SDG Implementation Report

We invite you to read the document!



Positive Impact Rating

Evaluation of the WUEB in terms of social impact and sustainability.

PRME 18-20

Principles for Responsible Management Education

Forum for training socially responsible managers

PRME 20-22

Principles for Responsible Management Education

Forum for training socially responsible managers

PIR – Positive Impact Rating

A distinguishing feature of our rating is that our University’s rating is 100% determined by student evaluations!
For the first time, our University participated in the rating in the 2022/2023 academic year.

Rating levels:

The PIR levels were determined on a scale of 1 to 10, which reflects the university’s increasing commitment in achieving the levels. The characteristics of each level relate to the stage of development of the business school.

Level 1. (0-4.2) Beginning
Universities that are starting or considering starting a business or are having difficulty getting one off the ground despite their stated commitment or stated vision.

Level 2 (4.3-5.8) Emerging
Universities embarking on a stated commitment to positive action in at least one area/field.

Level 3 (5.9-7.3) Progressing
Universities showing positive results in some areas of impact.

Level 4 (7.4-8.7) Transforming
Universities with a positive impact culture, rooted in management and systems, with visible progress in many areas of impact.

Level 5 (8.8-10) Pioneering
Universities with exceptional sustained progress in global leadership in all areas of impact.


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