Tailor-made studies

Tailor-made studies

Tailor education at WUEB to fit your needs

Studying at WUEB, you don’t have to rigidly adhere to a schedule.
You can customize your learning with several options:

Learn the benefits of each solution
And match your studies to you!

Business Individual Study Program (BIPS).

Check out what you gain by being in BIPS!

  • Individualized approach to learning: education adjusted to your needs.
  • You learn from the best: you have the opportunity to learn from experts in your field.
  • you develop key skills: you gain skills that will be useful in your future career.
  • Support in business development: you learn about entrepreneurship from experienced mentors.
  • Implementation of your own projects: you have the opportunity to work on your projects with professional support.
  • Additional training tailored to you: you have access to additional training to help your professional development.

Transkrypcja filmu: BIPS – Biznesowy Indywidualny Program Studiów – Gala Inaugurująca 1 edycję

Select BIPS if:

  • you are ambitious and committed
  • you’re on 2nd year of undergraduate/engineering studies or 1st year of graduate studies

Learn more about BIPS!

Individual Study Organization (IOS)

If you can’t fit your studies, fit your studies to you. Take advantage of IOS if:

  • You lack the time for a steady rhythm of activities
  • You are active in student clubs or organizations
    (e.g., you act as chairman)
  • you’re volunteering
  • you are studying two majors
  • You are active in sports, art
  • you are pregnant
  • you are a parent
  • you are a person with special needs, including people with disabilities

You don’t have to change your studies anymore. With Individual Study Organization, you can flexibly choose which study group you attend.

Individual Study Program

If you have special needs with development in a particular area.
IPS enables:

  • Swapping some subjects for others that fit your field of study and path of development
  • selection of a scientific supervisor (Promoter of the thesis)
  • Exercise of all rights to which students are entitled

With IPS, you can exchange a subject from the curriculum adopted for majors for other subjects according to your chosen path of development.

Check out the IOS and IPS in the UEW Study Regulations.


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