Executive MBA

Executive MBA

Ready to travel
Into the world of management?

Here is an EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) Program that will transform your approach to management!

This offering is an intensive, 2-year, part-time, second-degree (or post-graduate) course in management.

What do you gain?

  • Master’s degree confirmed by WUEB diploma or postgraduate EMBA certificate entitling to sit on supervisory boards of state-owned companies
  • Executive MBA certificate with the prestigious logo of the international accrediting body AMBA

Expand your horizons and reach a higher level of managerial knowledge by attending an EMBA program!

The program is adapted to the changing economic environment locally and globally.
This is a program that will meet your needs, whether you work for a domestic company, an international company or a business support institution.

30 years of experience is a guarantee of modern teaching methods and close cooperation with the business community!

That’s what sets us apart!

Our study is a diamond among education, created for practitioners with experience in management or director positions.

Uniqueness results:

  • from a program developed by business and science experts,
  • experienced staff
  • cooperation with the University of Neuchatel as part of the Swiss Gateway to International Business program.

Classes of the highest quality, modeled on global standards:

  • McGill University
  • École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales.

Who is the EMBA program for?

We invite individuals who:

  • have at least 5 years of managerial experience
  • hold positions of a managerial or directorial nature
  • Are project leaders and coordinators
  • are entrepreneurs
  • have a university degree – bachelor’s, engineering and/or master’s degree
    (domestic and foreign)
  • are fluent in English (EMBA in international option)

EMBA Recruitment:

Start your journey to success and apply to the Executive MBA Program Office.

Recruitment begins in June each year.

Ready for a new challenge?

Check out the cost and recruitment details!

Choose EMBA at WUEB

Conquer the peak of unlimited possibilities with us!


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