Ready to travel
Into the world of management?
Here is an EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) Program that will transform your approach to management!
This offering is an intensive, 2-year, part-time, second-degree (or post-graduate) course in management.
What do you gain?
- Master’s degree confirmed by WUEB diploma or postgraduate EMBA certificate entitling to sit on supervisory boards of state-owned companies
- Executive MBA certificate with the prestigious logo of the international accrediting body AMBA
Expand your horizons and reach a higher level of managerial knowledge by attending an EMBA program!
The program is adapted to the changing economic environment locally and globally.
This is a program that will meet your needs, whether you work for a domestic company, an international company or a business support institution.
30 years of experience is a guarantee of modern teaching methods and close cooperation with the business community!
That’s what sets us apart!
Our study is a diamond among education, created for practitioners with experience in management or director positions.
Uniqueness results:
- from a program developed by business and science experts,
- experienced staff
- cooperation with the University of Neuchatel as part of the Swiss Gateway to International Business program.
Classes of the highest quality, modeled on global standards:
- McGill University
- École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales.
Who is the EMBA program for?
We invite individuals who:
- have at least 5 years of managerial experience
- hold positions of a managerial or directorial nature
- Are project leaders and coordinators
- are entrepreneurs
- have a university degree – bachelor’s, engineering and/or master’s degree
(domestic and foreign) - are fluent in English (EMBA in international option)
EMBA Recruitment:
Start your journey to success and apply to the Executive MBA Program Office.
Recruitment begins in June each year.
Ready for a new challenge?
Check out the cost and recruitment details!
Choose EMBA at WUEB
Conquer the peak of unlimited possibilities with us!